Moves like Jagger!

Today was an amazing day!  My husband and I FINALLY got to see my doctor (actually his nurse) and this whole pregnancy thing is starting to sink in.  I knew this day would come and I was anticipating it like crazy, but it didn’t stop the nerves from creeping up while driving to the office.  I mean, so much had been unknown until today, so many things assumed, so much hope for the future.  Seeing is believing in this case, and I’ve certainly got something to believe in now.

The appointment started off with a quick line of questioning, followed by an even speedier breast and vaginal exam and then on to our very first ultrasound.  I had been warned (Matt too) there was a good chance this early in the pregnancy that this would be a transvaginal ultrasound, but to my surprise, the nurse said she try it from the outside.  A squirt of warm goo to the belly and a few seconds later, there it was, our little dude!  Just one!  One little, tiny gummy bear with a heartbeat.  My husband and I looked at each other and he put his hand up for a high-five. (smack)

“We did it!” he says.

We did it alright, we created life.  A life living and growing inside of me.  This day has been nothing short of a miracle and not one I will ever forget.

Back to the ultrasound… my husband and I were in for a treat, because that little dude was excited to be seen, movin’ and groovin’ and rockin’ to the beat of his own soundtrack.  Little arms and legs extend off a body dwarfed by his giant head.  And that heartbeat, oh that strong, fast heartbeat!!  My husband and I just watched in amazement, our childs first performance at only 10 weeks old.

As I write about this experience, emotions come over me.  There were so many possible outcomes of this day, good, bad and the ugly.  I am so thankful that our outcome was positive, and that I can quit living behind a sheet of doubt.  At least for now we’ve got a baby that’s living and growing and moving like a rock star.  I’m still on cloud nine.  In fact I’ll just merely mention, in closing, that they had to draw like 8 vials of blood to complete my visit (8!) but who’s counting?!  My husband and I left the office with smiles from ear to ear, nerves calmed and singing to ourselves “..with the moves like Jagger, he’s got the moves like Jagger..”

Breakfast: 2 egg breakfast burrito, grapes, apple

Lunch: Leftover spaghetti and marinara, frozen yogurt

Dinner: Leftover pizza

Queasiness Level: 3 (but it could’ve just been nerves)

3 thoughts on “Moves like Jagger!

  1. Yeah, baby’s first picture! Your gummy bear is going to be one beautiful baby! I am smiling right now for you guys too! 🙂

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